Badgers Cricket Club – Photo Gallery
The Badgers after the 1966 single wicket
[Original photo courtesy of Shirley Pitts]
21st May 1966 – this photograph also appeared in the ‘21st birthday booklet’, where it was identified as being from 1968. However, there are sixteen players in the picture, and they exactly match the sixteen listed as taking part in the single wicket competition for 1966. Add to that the fact that the personnel had changed a little by 1968, and I think I can safely say that this date is correct. Unsurprisingly, Brian Moore won the event, after bowling Pete Legge out for a second ball duck in the final.
From L to R:  (back row) Chris Preston, Michael Preston and Barry Passmore
(middle row), Alan Preston, David Barlow, Roy Gordon, Peter Ward, Allan Butt, John Moffatt and Brian Moore
(front row) Laurence Pitts, Keith Partlett, David Winter, Frank Butt (President), Mike Law, Pete Legge and Brent Noble
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Last updated 28 May 2009
Last built 13 May 2024 from base file 'pg_team1966_group' and 'badgers_photo' template